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Music and your school

We believe every child should experience high quality singing and music-making throughout their school lives.

Every child should have the opportunity to find the creative outlet they can shine at and to be supported to reach their full potential. Our Glee Challenge provides one such outlet and we would love to have your stories, whether you are a school, parent or carer, of the impact Glee has had on your school or child. 


As you know music and other creative subjects are under pressure in schools so we need your help in bringing attention to the benefits that projects like the Glee Challenge can bring. 

Help us to tell our Glee story and prove that song and dance is an important part of school life by joining the discussion and sharing your stories. 

Let's get all of Scotland's Schools Singing

We’d love to hear about your experiences of Glee in your school.

Thanks for sharing your story with us! We may follow your story up for more info

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